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Teaching Tools: SAMR Model

What is SAMR?

SAMR is a framework that can be used to help implement new technologies or tools into your lessons.  It can be as simple as replacing a worksheet you created with a digital version using Google Forms.

Substitution - Students would ulitize word processing application like Google Docs or MS Word to write a research instead of using a pencil or pen to write a paper.  

Augmentation - Incorporate interactive multimedia into presentations such as audio, video, and polls to make it more engaging using such software as ThinglinkQuizlet, or Kahoot!.

Modification -  Involves a new way of looking at an assignment such as having your students create a visual Mindmap instead of a paper outline using software like MindNode, Miro, or Lucidchart.  

Redefinition -  Assign a group paper to the students and have them use Google docs so they can collaborate virtually or collaborate with each other in the classroom.

Credit: Practical SAMR model example - Nearpod Blog

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