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Teaching Tools: Google Apps

How to Add a Video to Your Google Drive

  • Start by logging into Harcum Hatch and open Google Drive.
  • In Google Drive, click the “+ New” button at the top left of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “File upload”.
  • A dialog box will appear, allowing you to browse your computer for the video file you want to upload. Choose the video (or other types of files such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, or pictures) and click “Open”.
  • The file will start uploading. Once complete, it will be available in your Google Drive.

Create a Quiz with a Code in Google Forms

Google Forms is a great tool for creating quizzes, surveys, and forms. 

Steps to Create a Quiz with a Code:

  • Open Google Apps and select Forms. Click on "Blank Quiz."
  • Enter a title for your quiz at the top (optionally add a description).
  • For the question, click on "Untitled Question" and enter "Quiz Code." Change the question type to "Short answer." Toggle "Required" on.
  • Click on "Answer Key" to set the correct answer (the code). Mark all other answers as incorrect and add feedback if desired.
  • To require code entry before moving on, click the section icon (||) to create a new section, then drag your Quiz Code question into it.
  • Review your quiz settings, then click "Send" to share via email, link, or embed in a website.
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