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Career & Transfer Services: Introduction

This guide highlights library resources that can be used for career exploration, interview preparation, and college transfer decision-making.
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Research is an important part of the process of preparation for a job interview. Knowing information about a company and an industry, beyond what is found in a Google search can give a job candidate a big advantage over the competition.

This guide was created to encourage job seekers to go further than a quick Google search.

This guide will help you to access library databases and search for information on your prospective employers and wider industry.

Harcum College's Career & Transfer Office

For more help with your job search, career exploration and college transfer, visit the Career & Transfer Office.

"The Career and Transfer team is here to help you on your path to success. Whether you are undecided about your major/career or you know exactly where you want to go, Career & Transfer Services is a great place to start. We offer a variety of resources and programs to help you explore your options and gain real-world experience."

Rhonda Gaines

Rhonda Gaines

Director, Career & Transfer Services


Academic Center room 110

Lydia Izzo

Advisor, Career & Transfer Services


Academic Center room 110

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