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Business Management: Evaluating Sources

CRAAP Test Rubric

The CRAAP Test - check for currency, relevancy, authority, accuracy and purpose

"Media Bias Handout" 2019 by Ame Maloney under a "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0" license. 

Evaluating Sources Video

The CRAAP Test - in depth

Applying the CRAAP Test will help you assess the credibility and relevance of sources, ensuring your research is based on accurate and reliable information.

Currency: How Current is the Information?

  • Ask when the information was published or last updated. 
  • Are links broken? Broken links might indicate outdated content or a neglected website.

Relevance: How Well Does the Information Fit Your Needs?

  • Assess whether the information directly addresses your research topic or question. It should be pertinent and useful.
  • Identify who the intended audience is. Make sure the content is suitable for your academic level and research objectives.

Authority: Who is Behind the Information?

  • Do a quick Google search on the author.
  • Find out who authored or published the content. Reliable sources provide details about the author’s qualifications and expertise in the subject area.
  • Ensure that the author or organization has relevant credentials or expertise in the topic covered.

Accuracy: Is the Information Reliable and Correct?

  • Verify the content with other reputable sources to confirm its accuracy.
  • Look for evidence that the information has undergone review or peer review by experts in the field.
  • Reliable sources should include citations or references to support their claims.
  • Evaluate the quality of the writing. Professional, error-free writing often indicates a credible source. Watch for any biased or emotional language.

Purpose: What is the Intent of the Information?

  • Identify the purpose behind the content. Determine if it aims to inform, persuade, entertain, or sell something. Understanding the intent helps in assessing potential biases.
  • Check whether the authors or sponsors clearly state their objectives and any possible biases.
  • Evaluate whether the content is presented in an objective manner or if it seems to have a particular bias or agenda.

Adapted from the CRAAP Test created by Meriam Library at California State University, Chico

Evaluating Websites

As you conduct research for your assignments, it’s essential to critically evaluate the credibility of online sources. Unlike printed materials, which undergo formal review, websites can be created by anyone. Here’s a guide to help you determine if a website is a reliable source:

1. Analyze the URL:

The URL (web address) can provide insights into the nature of the website. Pay attention to the domain suffix:

  • .com: Typically used by commercial entities. These sites may be biased towards promoting products or services.
  • .edu: Indicates an educational institution, such as a college or university. These are generally trustworthy but verify the author’s qualifications.
  • .gov: Represents government websites. These are usually reliable, though they may have specific governmental perspectives.
  • .mil: Used by military sites, which are generally authoritative on military-related topics.
  • .net: Originally for network services, now used by various organizations. Reliability can vary, so further verification is needed.
  • .org: Associated with organizations, including non-profits. While many are credible, check for potential biases related to the organization’s mission.

2. Conduct Lateral Reading:

To ensure the accuracy of the information, cross-check details with multiple sources. Look for confirmation from reputable academic journals, books, or established news organizations. Lateral reading involves examining the information from various angles and sources to validate its reliability.

3. Evaluate the Author and Publisher:

Examine the credentials of the author and the organization responsible for the website. Reliable sources usually provide clear information about the author’s expertise and the organization’s background. Look for authors who are recognized experts in their field and organizations with a solid reputation.

4. Assess the Quality of Content:

Evaluate the content for accuracy, objectivity, and currency. Reliable websites present well-researched and up-to-date information. Be cautious of websites that lack citations, present biased viewpoints, or have sensationalist content. Check for references to other reputable sources as an indicator of thorough research.

5. Use Wikipedia Wisely:

While Wikipedia can be a useful starting point for understanding a topic and finding additional sources, it should not be cited as a primary source in academic work. Use Wikipedia to gather preliminary information and follow its references to more authoritative sources for your research.

By carefully evaluating online sources using these guidelines, you can ensure that your research is based on accurate and credible information.

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