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Martin Zipin stands in a studio. Black and white photograph taken in 1964

Martin Zipin (1920-1991) was an American artist and educator who was a faculty member at Harcum for 38 years from 1953 to 1991. Zipin studied art at Temple University's Tyler School. While at Harcum College, Zipin taught fine arts classes and served as faculty advisor for the student newspaper and theater, often performing in plays alongside student actors. He also supervised the work of students who volunteered to paint the Klein Hall murals. Harcum College has a collection of Zipin's artwork. Many pieces are on permanent display in the Trout Library's Strauss Family Rotunda. A common subject of Zipin's work was waterfront scenes of boats and docks, though the location was not identified on the work. 

Depicts a fishing vessel with buoys and a number four on the side. Brown and yellow building in the background. Possibly Barnegat Light 18th Street dock.

Seascape of boats in the morning light. A male figure is climbing a narrow sail mast. A painting by Martin Zipin.

Watercolor painting of a ship. Depicts a man working on a boat with "6525" written on the side.

Sailboats docked with an anchor visible in the foreground. There is an industrial building over the dock.

Images of Zipin's art from Trout Library's Digital Archives & Special Collections

Now, thanks to the research efforts of Harcum College's First Lady, Margi Tucker DeTemple, we know where Zipin took inspiration for his waterfront themed paintings. The 1965 yearbook, Harlequin, notes that Zipin organized an annual field trip for art students to sketch waterfront scenes at Ship Bottom, Harvey Cedars, Loveladies and Barnegat Light on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. The day included sketching “on the docks of Independent Fishing Company, which has a group of commercial fishing boats of various ages and descriptions. Most of these boats were highly picturesque and lent themselves to colorful treatment.” Zipin owned a summer home at Loveladies, Long Beach Island, NJ. Part of the field trip included a lunchtime stop at his home where the students ate box lunches prepared by Chef Edward Reed. 

To see more examples of Zipin's work, please visit the Charles H. Trout Library or browse digital images of his work in the online collection or read through the finding aid

If you have questions about our archival collection or any other library resource, please don’t hesitate to ask us. You may visit the Library during the hours posted on the Library's homepage, email us at, use our chat service when it is available, or call us at 610-526-6085.

Collage from a yearbook labeled "sketching trip to Long Beach Island". The collage includes images of women sketching outside on a cloudy day. One image is of a lighthouse.
Images from Harlequin, 1965

 Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian



profile-icon Roxanne Sutton
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As always, remember that if you have questions about this resource or any other, please don’t hesitate to ask us. You may visit the Library during the hours posted on the Library's homepage, email us at, use our chat service when it is available, or call us at 610-526-6085.

 Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian



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