Academic Search Complete provides full-text access to over 5,000 journals and magazines, including many peer-reviewed articles, plus numerous Associated Press videos covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
Business Book Summaries provides concise summaries of top business books.
Business Source Premier provides full-text access and searchable references on numerous business topics, including market research reports, industry and country analyses, company profiles, and SWOT reports.
eBook: Academic Collection provides access to eBooks across diverse academic disciplines. Access thousands of titles from top publishers and university presses for research and learning.
EBSCO Discovery Service provides a single search interface to explore a wide range of research databases, including full-text journal articles, eBooks, and videos.
NewsBank provides full-text access to over 8,000 news publications, including major national and international newspapers as well as local and regional sources for a broad perspective on global and local news.
The Philadelphia Inquirer provides full-text access to current and archived articles with extensive coverage of news, features, and events from Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
Regional Business News provides full-text access to more than 80 regional business publications across the United States, offering in-depth insights into local and metropolitan business trends and developments.
SIRS Issues Researcher provides in-depth analysis of key social issues with diverse viewpoints from more than 2,000 global sources, offering comprehensive coverage of current debates and research.
USA Trade Online is a dynamic data tool that gives users access to current and cumulative U.S. export and import data.
Women's Wear Daily provides the latest fashion industry news and features updates on designers, celebrity trends, and in-depth coverage of fashion week events.