EBSCO Discovery Search recently released a new search interface with updated features and more options for sharing, saving, and citing. If you are familiar with the library website, the search box you see at the top of the page allows you to run a search in EBSCO Discovery Search. EBSCOhost Discovery is a federated search. This means that it searches almost all of Harcum library's electronic and print materials in one search with the exception of Lexicomp, University of Fashion, and SIRS Issues Researcher. The new interface is designed to be more intuitive and similar to the Google interface. EBSCO now allows the creation of personal myEBSCO accounts using Google. Creating a personal myEBSCO account makes saving and organizing research material easier.

If you would like to learn more about EBSCO Discovery and the new features watch this video which we created and published on our YouTube Channel.

 Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian

