Canvas is an online platform used by Harcum College to manage course content, communication, and academic activities.
Here is what you can do on Canvas:
- Course Materials: Access your course syllabus, lecture notes, readings, and multimedia resources all in one place.
- Assignments and Grades: Submit assignments, track deadlines, and check grades and feedback from your instructors.
- Discussions: Participate in class discussions, collaborate with classmates, and share ideas through message boards.
- Quizzes and Exams: Complete quizzes and exams online, and view your results directly on the platform.
- Communication: Use the messaging system to contact your instructors and classmates, and stay updated on course announcements.
00:07: How do I use the global navigation menu, as a student?
00:11: Have you your user information? Click the account link a menu will expand
00:15: in display links to access your user settings, notification settings,
00:19: personal files and e-portfolios.
00:22: If enabled if your institution has enabled profiles you
00:26: can access your profile. You can also use the account linked
00:31: to log out of canvas.
00:33: The dashboard is the landing page after you login to Canvas the
00:37: dashboard can be toggled to a course view list for you or recent activity,
00:41: View and shows notifications, for all current, canvas course,
00:46: To view your courses. Click the course, is link.
00:48: The course, is menu displays a list of your favorite courses.
00:51: Or if you haven't selected any favorite courses, the
00:56: menu displays current courses where you are enrolled,
01:00: For each course, you can view the course name turn details and
01:04: section enrollment details to view a course.
01:07: Click the course name link
01:10: To customize your courses list or view, all your canvas courses, click the
01:14: all courses link.
01:16: If you are enrolled in groups, view your groups in the group's link and
01:20: then you will expand and display all groups in current courses where you are enrolled.
01:26: To view a group. Click the name of the group to view, all your groups,
01:30: click, the all groups link.
01:33: To view your calendar. Click the calendar link.
01:36: To view your conversations inbox, click the inbox, link conversations
01:40: is the Candace messaging system where you can communicate with other users in your courses.
01:44: The number of new messages are shown as part of the inbox icon.
01:50: To view your recent canvas course, page view history, click the history, link
01:54: recent history, displays up to three weeks of your canvas course, page
01:58: view history.
02:00: To get help with canvas, click the help link Celexa help option
02:04: that is relevant to your needs.
02:07: To collapse the global navigation, then you click the arrow icon.
02:12: To expand the global navigation, then you click the arrow icon.
02:16: The global navigation menu will be automatically kill apps for tablet screens.
02:22: This guy covered how to use the global navigation than you as a student.