This post is inspired by a recent conversation with an alumna who graduated with the Class of 1948. Dr. Stork was her favorite instructor while at Harcum. I was happy to report that his bust is on display in the Charles H. Trout Library.  In fact, the sculpture of Dr. Charles Wharton Stork has been a permanent fixture within the Charles H. Trout Library since 1984. The story behind the sculpture is an interesting piece of Harcum history. 


Bust: a sculpture of the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a person ~ Collins English Dictionary, 2014

Charles Wharton Stork was born in Philadelphia in 1881. He attended Haverford College, Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. He pursued a career as an academic and literary author, poet, and translator.  He was well-known for his translations of Swedish and Danish poetry. You can find four of his books in our collection. He taught at the University of Pennsylvania until 1916. He left teaching for a time to pursue a writing career. His return to teaching brought him to Harcum College from 1935 to 1951. While teaching here, he continued to write poetry and publish. He submitted a poem to the inaugural issue of The Springboard, a literary magazine published by the students of Harcum College in 1935. 

A poem by Charles Wharton Stork published in a Harcum College student literary magazine The Springboard, vol. 1, no. 1, December 1935. Held by Harcum College Archives.
A poem by Charles Wharton Stork published in a Harcum College student literary magazine The Springboard, vol. 1, no. 1, December 1935. Held by Harcum College Archives.


Dr. Stork was returning to America from a trip to the British Isles on September 1, 1939 on the SS Athenia. On September 3rd, the British declared war on Germany. That same day, only three days into the voyage and 200 nautical miles northwest of Ireland, the ship was attacked by the German submarine U-30 and suffered severe damage from a torpedo. Fortunately, most of the 1,418 passengers and crew were able to escape to lifeboats, however 98 passengers and 19 crew members perished. Dr. Stork was one of the lucky survivors. He was able to board a lifeboat which was rescued by a Royal Navy destroyer. Stork wrote about his ordeal in an article for The Saturday Evening Post called “Sketches by an ‘Athenian'”. You can read the article in EBSCOhost Discovery. The full citation is listed below. The SS Athenia sank 14 hours after it was struck. It was the first UK ship sunk by Germany in World War II.

SS Athenia in Montreal Harbour in 1933. Public domain image. Credit National Archives of Canada.

Dr. Stork was very well-liked by students at Harcum College. I have to wonder what reception he received upon arriving back to the Bryn Mawr campus in 1939. The 1943 yearbook was dedicated to Dr. Stork stating “We are fond of him as a friend, honor his ability, and appreciate all he has done to instill in us a richer appreciation of the finer things in life. ”

Charles Wharton Stork from the 1943 yearbook dedicated to him.

Stork was married and had four children. His eldest son Francis Wharton Stork was an artist and the sculptor of the bust. The sculpture is made of fiberglass and resin. It was gifted to Harcum College in 1984 by the artist. Two of Stork's children, daughter Rosalie Stork Regan and Francis Wharton Stork attended the unveiling of the sculpture held in the library. The sculpture has been on display in the Strauss Family Rotunda since it was unveiled 40 years ago and has a permanent home there. Francis Wharton Stork made a similar sculpture cast in bronze which was gifted to The Athenaeum of Philadelphia. 


“Charles Wharton Stork.” Department of English, The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, 2024,

Francis Wharton Stork, “Charles Wharton Stork,” General Collection, Museum Collection, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Athenaeum of Philadelphia Featured Collections, accessed October 18, 2024,

Mawdsley, Evan. “Sinking the SS Athenia.” Yale University Press, 4 Aug. 2020,

Stork, Charles Wharton. “Sketches by an ‘Athenian.’” Saturday Evening Post, vol. 212, no. 19, Nov. 1939, pp. 33–98. EBSCOhost,

*Note: The password for EBSCOhost Discovery is found in your Harcum Hatch under “Library Database Passwords”. 

“Rosalie Stork Regan and Francis Stork with Charles Stork bust (1984),” Trout Library's Digital Archives & Special Collections, accessed October 17, 2024,

Wikipedia contributors. "Charles Wharton Stork." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 30 Aug. 2023. Web. 18 Oct. 2024.

 Roxanne Sutton 

Reference and Special Collections Librarian
