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profile-icon Roxanne Sutton

EBSCOhost has just released a browser extension that makes it easier than ever to connect to full-text materials.  EBSCOhost Passport browser extension shows you when the material is available in full text when you are searching on virtually any web page where DOIs are present. This means when you are searching on PubMed or Google Scholar, you'll see an icon that will allow you to click through to the full text if it is available via the Charles H. Trout Library. 

The browser extension is currently only available for Chrome but more browser extensions are coming soon. To install the browser extension, visit the Chrome web store listing. Click Add to Chrome. Search for Harcum College when prompted to select your institution. If prompted for a password, see our one-minute video on how to access passwords.  

Once the extension is installed, just search PubMed, Google Scholar, or the web as you normally would. When an article is available in our EBSCOhost databases, you'll see an icon access from your institution indicator icon alerting you that the material is available. Simply click on the icon and the full text will open in a new tab. 

When searching in PubMed and Google Scholar there will be an additional more results icon more results icon near the search box that will show additional results available in EBSCOhost 

Screen capture of a PubMed search screen showing the location of the EBSCOhost More Results button on the right side of the screen and the EBSCOhost button under the first search result.

To learn more about EBSCOhost Passport and how to install it, click here.

Happy searching! If you need assistance with your research, please reach out to us!

 Roxanne Sutton 

Reference and Special Collections Librarian





profile-icon Roxanne Sutton

Google Scholar is a popular search engine for scholarly sources. It can be frustrating though when you cannot immediately view the full text of an article. You can add more full-text results to Google Scholar by connecting Google Scholar to Harcum College Trout Library resources to access material available from our databases. Follow the steps below to configure Google Scholar. 

Go to Google Scholar on your device. Click on the menu icon on the top left of the screen and select Settings

Screen capture showing an internet browser on the Google Scholar homepage. The menu at the top left of the screen is open and a box is drawn around Settings.

In the Settings menu, select Library Links. Use the search box to search for Harcum College

Screen capture showing the location of Library links in the settings menu of Google Scholar. "Harcum College" has been typed into the search box.

Put a checkmark in the box in front of Harcum College/Trout Library - Available from Librarythen click Save. It is important to note here that this setting uses your browser's cookies to remember your new library links. If you clear your browser cookies, you will have to set this up again. 

Screen capture showing how to select and save to add Harcum College Trout Library holdings to Google Scholar in Settings.

Go back to the Google Scholar search page and try a search. Your search results will now show you when the full text of an article is available through the Harcum College Trout Library. Notice in the screen capture below that you will see links with the words Available from Library. These links will take you to the full text of the article when it is available from the Trout Library. Click directly on the Available from Library links to be directed to the full text. 

Use the Available from Library links on the right of the search results to get full text access via Harcum College Trout Library

An additional note: You will still need to input the passwords to the databases when prompted. Those passwords are located in your Harcum Hatch. Look for the Library Database Passwords icon (see below) in Harcum Hatch. 

 Library Database Passwords icon in Harcum Hatch

Happy searching! If you need assistance with your research, please reach out to us!

 Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian



profile-icon Roxanne Sutton

EBSCO Discovery Search recently released a new search interface with updated features and more options for sharing, saving, and citing. If you are familiar with the library website, the search box you see at the top of the page allows you to run a search in EBSCO Discovery Search. EBSCOhost Discovery is a federated search. This means that it searches almost all of Harcum library's electronic and print materials in one search with the exception of Lexicomp, University of Fashion, and SIRS Issues Researcher. The new interface is designed to be more intuitive and similar to the Google interface. EBSCO now allows the creation of personal myEBSCO accounts using Google. Creating a personal myEBSCO account makes saving and organizing research material easier.

If you would like to learn more about EBSCO Discovery and the new features watch this video which we created and published on our YouTube Channel.

 Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian



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