This week we explore science and medicine sources for allied health programs including Histotechnician, Medical Coding, Medical Laboratory Technician and Radiologic Technology.

We have a guide for each program offered at Harcum College including the allied health science programs. Each guide is customized to the information needs and services offered for each program. You can find your program guide by going to Charles. H. Trout Library homepage. Select “Library Guides” from the top menu near the library logo or look for the Library Guides link under Quick Links. It has a compass icon. 


Screen capture of the Charles H. Trout Library homepage with the Library Guides link highlighted.


From there you will see a full list of guides by program under Center for Allied Health Science in the far left column. In the far right column is a list of guides by popular health topics.


Screen capture of the library guides website with Allied Health Science and Special Topics highlighted.


Each program guide has a curated list of databases you can use to find information for your assignments. The passwords for these assignments are found by logging into Harcum Hatch and looking for "Library Database Password List" under Quick Links. Keep these passwords nearby when you start to explore the databases. We have also made tutorial videos for each of the databases listed in the guides. If you want to get an idea of how to search in a specific database, check the Database Tutorials tab on the guide for a video. 


Screen capture showing how to find the Youtube tutorials on each of the databases.


The Home tab of each guide has library hours, contact information, and a chat box for live help. 

I hope you will explore these guides and contact us if you need help. 



Roxanne Sutton

Reference and Special Collections Librarian
